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The Our Lady of the Abandoned Catholic School is a premier center of 21st Century learning inspired by the Christian faith of Mary with a holistic perspective of transforming a just and Humane Filipino society.
Spiritual and morally mature individuals
Academically excellent student / graduate
Responsible and productive citizen [Responsible stewardship]
Lifelong learner [Independent learner]
Critical thinker
Ethical user of technology
As a Parochial school in the Diocese of Paranaque and in the City of Muntinlupa and nearby places, we commit ourselves to be: arm of the parish in its work of evangelization;
b. an authentic witness of the gospel values, like Mary, in her love and concern for the poor and the marginalized;
c. an agent of transformation touching its base in the community; and
d. a learner-centered institution with its curriculum and instruction.
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