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1.The ESC grants shall cover four (4) years of junior high  from Grades 7 to 10. The provision of ESC grants starts at the Grade 7 level. No new grants shall be awarded at higher grade levels. If the grantees are enrolled in night high schools or evening classes designed for a five-year curriculum, the grant can be availed for four (4) years only.


2. The grant is deemed renewed for the next school year if the student is promoted to the next grade level and enrolls in   the same school. Since the ESC is a system of financial   assistance to grantees, no maintaining grade shall be required for retention in the program.

3. The grant is deemed terminated for any one of the  following reasons:

  a) If the student drops out for non-health reasons  in the middle of the school   


  b) If the student does not re-enroll the following    school year;

  c) If the student is retained at the same grade level or not promoted to the next          higher  grade  level;

  d) If the student is suspended for more than two (2) weeks or 1s dismissed or

      expelled by  the school for disciplinary violation; or

  e) If the student transfers to a non-ESC-participating school

4. A grantee may apply for transfer to another ESC-  participating school; however, transfers from   outside the National Capital Region (NCR) into   NCR are not allowed. Transfers from NCR to   participating schools outside the NCR may be   allowed, but the amount of the grant is reduced   accordingly.

5. Grantees that dropped out due to the following   reasons shall be readmitted into the ESC program   provided that they submit documents that will   support their claim:

  a) Death of the grantee's parent or guardian

  b) Sickness supported by a medical certificate

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